Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vote what you think this dog resembles most!

I have one perception of this dog and Debra has another perception so I want to see whom you guys agree with! Okay it is Debra’s dog but STILL. Sometimes you don’t know your own children.

Meet the new love of my life (I seem to say this often… wasn’t the last time about Indomee?) … Cookie.

Omg I love her.

So vote people! Tell me from the above photos (ignore the possessed eyes) what you think she looks the closest to!
What do you think this dog resembles most?
Furry Doberman
Black German Shepherd
Furry Rottweiler
pollcode.com free polls

Furry Doberman, Black German Shepherd or Furry Rottweiler? I will reveal in the comments what I think she looks like and what Debra thinks after many have voted.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you know what's a Narwhal?

Now you do.