Sunday, November 8, 2009

Did I forget to mention that Wee Lim deleted me off his Facebook friend list and blocked me?

I really don’t know why, I thought things between us were at the very least normal (well if you consider him doing his best to ignore me as normal) (and for some reason choosing to hide his photos on Facebook from me).

He was probably worried I’d do something like this:

(That’s him and his new girlfriend btw)

Or something. I don’t know. Pfft am I really that daring and humorous? Come on.


Something random + funny! (Man I would do anything to put off my History homework.)

This is the song Warp by Bloody Beeftroots ft Steve Aoki. Listen to it.

Now this is Ed’s version of it.

10/15/2009 1:23:22 PM Eduardo May Zhee =/ WOOP WOOP
10/15/2009 1:23:28 PM Eduardo May Zhee =/ BIIIAUURNNNNN BBIIIIARRUUNNN
10/15/2009 1:23:31 PM Eduardo May Zhee =/ I JUST WANT I JUST WANt
10/15/2009 1:23:33 PM Eduardo May Zhee =/ I JUST WANT I JUST WANT
10/15/2009 1:23:35 PM Eduardo May Zhee =/ JUST WANT I JUST WANT
10/15/2009 1:23:39 PM Eduardo May Zhee =/ I JUST WANT- WOOP WOPP
10/15/2009 1:23:44 PM Eduardo May Zhee =/ BBBIIARRRUUUU BIIIAAUUURNNn

… okay.

Isn’t he the cutest thing hahaha.

(Wow I realize we’re not awake at some ungodly hour talking 1pm is actually a decent time.)

(No wait fuck for him it’s not it’s 6am for him.)

(What the fuck is wrong with us hahaha.)

(Okay I go do History homework now :( )



I have something else that is random + funny!

So while I was webcamming with Ed one day, I decided to take a photo of myself, which I think showcases my creativity and innovative skills.

Right. (Inappropriate convo censored to protect what’s left of Ed’s decency HAHAHAH)

George decided that he had another photo which complemented the one I had above.